කොමෙන්ට්ස් දැමීම සම්බන්ධවයි.

ඔබගේ අදහස් ඉතා ගෞරව පුර්වකව අගය කරමි. කරුණාකර කෙලින්ම හෝ ව්‍යංගයෙන් (උදාහරණ ලෙස මුලට හෝ අගට තරු ලකුණු සතිතව) නරක වචන (කුණුහරුප) යෙදීමෙන්වලකින්න

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

බයි කෑම සහ මරණය

බබාට කෑම කවමින් .
අත්තම්මා : බයි ගොඩක් කන්න ඕනේ බබා. එතකොට ඉක්මනට ලොකු වෙනවා 

පසු දිනක කෑම කවමින්.
බබා : අත්තම්ම මැරෙනවද? 
අත්තම්ම : ඔව් බබා ලොකු උනාම අත්තම්ම මැරෙනවා. 
බබා : එතකොට කිරි අම්ම 
අත්තම්ම : ඔව් කිරි අම්මත් මැරෙනවා 
බබා : ඥාන ඇන්ටි 
අත්තම්ම : ඔව් අපි ඔක්කොම මැරෙනවා. බබා ලොකු උනාම අපි මැරෙනවා.

බබා : එහෙනම් මම බයි කන්නේ නෑ 

Saturday, May 10, 2014

බර්ත් ඩේ එකට වෙසක් කුඩු

මම සව් කොල ගෙන කාරයට ගොඩ උනෙමි. 

බබා : මේ මොනවද මේ. 
අම්ම (සමන්මලී ) : මේ අර වෙසක් කුඩු අලවන්න කොළ 
බබ: ඒ මොකටද 
අම්ම: ලදී වෙසක් පෝය එනවා. අපේ බුදු හාමුදුරුවෝ ඉපදුනේ, බුදු උනේ, පරිනිවන් පෑවේ වෙසක් පෝය දවසක්. ඔයා ඉපදෙන එක දන්නවනේ. බර්ත් ඩේ එක. බුදු වෙනවා කියන්නේ සාදු වගේ සිවුරක් ගෙන බණ කියන එකට. ප්රිනිවන් පනවා කියන්නේ මැරෙන එකට. (බබාට තේරෙන විදිහට සමන්මලී තෙමගුල පැහැදිලි කළා). ඉතින් එක හින්ද අපි පන්සල් යනවා, තෝරන් තියනවා. දන්සැල් දෙනවා.. ඔක්කොම ගෙවල් වල  වෙසක් කුඩු එල්ලනවා. 

බබා : මගේ බර්ත් ඩේ එකත් ලගදි  එනවනේ. එකටත් වෙසක් කුඩු එල්ලයි. 

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Java Permutations and Combinations

Java Permutations and Combinations

 * @author Chaminda Amarasinghe>
public final class CollectionUtils {

    public static  List> getCombinations(int r, T... items) {
        Assert.that("r should be like this r >0 and r <= items.size", r > 0, r <= items.length);
        final List> out = new ArrayList>();
        T[] choose = (T[]) Array.newInstance(items[0].getClass(), r);
        generateCombinations(items, r, choose, 0, out);
        return out;

    public static  List> getCombinations(int r, List items) {
        Assert.that("r should be like this r >0 and r <= items.size", r > 0, r <= items.size());
        final List> out = new ArrayList>();
        T[] choose = (T[]) Array.newInstance(items.get(0).getClass(), r);
        T[] itemsArray = (T[]) Array.newInstance(items.get(0).getClass(), items.size());
        for (int i = 0; i < items.size(); i++) {
            itemsArray[i] = items.get(i);
        generateCombinations(itemsArray, r, choose, 0, out);
        return out;

    private static  void generateCombinations(T[] items, int r, T[] choose, int iStartIndex, List> out) {
        if (r <= 0) {
            out.add(new ArrayList(Arrays.asList(choose)));
        for (int i = iStartIndex; i < items.length - r + 1; i++) {
            choose[choose.length - r] = items[i];
            generateCombinations(items, r - 1, choose, i + 1, out);

    public static  List> getPermutations(final T... items) {
        return getPermutations(Arrays.asList(items));

    public static  List> getPermutations(final List items) {
        final ArrayList> arrayList = new ArrayList>();
        permute(items, 0, arrayList);
        return arrayList;

    private static  void permute(java.util.List arr, int k, List> out) {
        for (int i = k; i < arr.size(); i++) {
            java.util.Collections.swap(arr, i, k);
            permute(arr, k + 1, out);
            java.util.Collections.swap(arr, k, i);
        if (k == arr.size() - 1) {
            out.add(new ArrayList(arr));

Unit Testing

     * Test of asMap method, of class CollectionUtils.
    public void testCombinationsInt() {
        // expected combinations {{10, 20}, {10, 30}, {20, 30}}
        List> combinations = CollectionUtils.getCombinations(2, 10, 20, 30);
        // test we have correct number of combinations
        assertEquals(3, combinations.size());
        // test we have the correct no of items in the a combination items in nCr term that is r, in here that is 2
        assertEquals(2, combinations.get(0).size());

        // test first item of given combination
        assertEquals(10, (int) (combinations.get(0).get(0)));
        assertEquals(20, (int) (combinations.get(0).get(1)));

        // test second item of given combination
        assertEquals(10, (int) (combinations.get(1).get(0)));
        assertEquals(30, (int) (combinations.get(1).get(1)));

        // test third item of given combination
        assertEquals(20, (int) (combinations.get(2).get(0)));
        assertEquals(30, (int) (combinations.get(2).get(1)));
        System.out.println("combinations " + combinations);


    public void testCombinationsString() {
        // expected combinations {{"A", "B"}, {"A", "C"}, {"B", "C"}}
        List> combinations = CollectionUtils.getCombinations(2, "A", "B", "C");
        // test we have correct number of combinations
        assertEquals(3, combinations.size());
        // test we have the correct no of items in the a combination items in nCr term that is r, in here that is 2
        assertEquals(2, combinations.get(0).size());

        // test first item of given combination
        assertEquals("A", combinations.get(0).get(0));
        assertEquals("B", combinations.get(0).get(1));

        // test second item of given combination
        assertEquals("A", combinations.get(1).get(0));
        assertEquals("C", combinations.get(1).get(1));

        // test third item of given combination
        assertEquals("B", combinations.get(2).get(0));
        assertEquals("C", combinations.get(2).get(1));
        System.out.println("combinations " + combinations);


    public void testCombinationsCustomTypes() {

        class SampleModel {

            String name;

        SampleModel s1 = new SampleModel();
        SampleModel s2 = new SampleModel();
        SampleModel s3 = new SampleModel();

        // expected combinations {{s1, s2}, {s1, s3}, {s2, s3}}
        List> combinations = CollectionUtils.getCombinations(2, s1, s2, s3);
        // test we have correct number of combinations
        assertEquals(3, combinations.size());
        // test we have the correct no of items in the a combination items in nCr term that is r, in here that is 2
        assertEquals(2, combinations.get(0).size());

        // test first item of given combination
        assertEquals(s1, combinations.get(0).get(0));
        assertEquals(s2, combinations.get(0).get(1));

        // test second item of given combination
        assertEquals(s1, combinations.get(1).get(0));
        assertEquals(s3, combinations.get(1).get(1));

        // test third item of given combination
        assertEquals(s2, combinations.get(2).get(0));
        assertEquals(s3, combinations.get(2).get(1));
        System.out.println("combinations " + combinations);


    @Test(expected = StBetRuntimeException.class)
    public void testCombinationsRisGreaterThanN() {

        // r > n
        CollectionUtils.getCombinations(10, 1, 2, 3);


    @Test(expected = StBetRuntimeException.class)
    public void testCombinationsRis0() {
        // r = 0
        CollectionUtils.getCombinations(0, 1, 2, 3);


    @Test(expected = StBetRuntimeException.class)
    public void testCombinationsRisLessThan0() {

        // r < 0 
        CollectionUtils.getCombinations(-10, 1, 2, 3);


    public void testCombinations4C2() {
        // expected combinations {{10, 20}, {10, 30}, {20, 30}}
        List> combinations = CollectionUtils.getCombinations(3, 10, 20, 30, 40);
        System.out.println("combinations " + combinations);
        // test we have correct number of combinations
        assertEquals(4, combinations.size());
        // test we have the correct no of items in the a combination items in nCr term that is r, in here that is 2
        assertEquals(3, combinations.get(0).size());

        assertEquals(10, (int) (combinations.get(0).get(0)));
        assertEquals(20, (int) (combinations.get(0).get(1)));
        assertEquals(30, (int) (combinations.get(0).get(2)));

        assertEquals(10, (int) (combinations.get(1).get(0)));
        assertEquals(20, (int) (combinations.get(1).get(1)));
        assertEquals(40, (int) (combinations.get(1).get(2)));

        assertEquals(10, (int) (combinations.get(2).get(0)));
        assertEquals(30, (int) (combinations.get(2).get(1)));
        assertEquals(40, (int) (combinations.get(2).get(2)));

        assertEquals(20, (int) (combinations.get(3).get(0)));
        assertEquals(30, (int) (combinations.get(3).get(1)));
        assertEquals(40, (int) (combinations.get(3).get(2)));


    public void testPermutationsStringUsingList() {
        List listOfItem = new ArrayList(CollectionUtils.asList("A", "B", "C"));
        // expected Permutations ABC, ACB, BAC, BCA, CAB, CBA
        List> permutations = CollectionUtils.getPermutations(listOfItem);
        // test we have correct number of combinations
        assertEquals(6, permutations.size());
        // test we have the correct no of items in the a combination items in nCr term that is r, in here that is 2
        assertEquals(3, permutations.get(0).size());

        // test first item of given combination
        assertEquals("A", permutations.get(0).get(0));
        assertEquals("B", permutations.get(0).get(1));
        assertEquals("C", permutations.get(0).get(2));

        // test second item of given combination
        assertEquals("A", permutations.get(1).get(0));
        assertEquals("C", permutations.get(1).get(1));
        assertEquals("B", permutations.get(1).get(2));

        // test third item of given combination
        assertEquals("B", permutations.get(2).get(0));
        assertEquals("A", permutations.get(2).get(1));
        assertEquals("C", permutations.get(2).get(2));

        assertEquals("B", permutations.get(3).get(0));
        assertEquals("C", permutations.get(3).get(1));
        assertEquals("A", permutations.get(3).get(2));

        assertEquals("C", permutations.get(4).get(0));
        assertEquals("B", permutations.get(4).get(1));
        assertEquals("A", permutations.get(4).get(2));

        assertEquals("C", permutations.get(5).get(0));
        assertEquals("A", permutations.get(5).get(1));
        assertEquals("B", permutations.get(5).get(2));

        System.out.println("permutations " + permutations);

    public void testPermutationsString() {
        // expected Permutations ABC, ACB, BAC, BCA, CAB, CBA
        List> permutations = CollectionUtils.getPermutations("A", "B", "C");
        // test we have correct number of combinations
        assertEquals(6, permutations.size());
        // test we have the correct no of items in the a combination items in nCr term that is r, in here that is 2
        assertEquals(3, permutations.get(0).size());

        // test first item of given combination
        assertEquals("A", permutations.get(0).get(0));
        assertEquals("B", permutations.get(0).get(1));
        assertEquals("C", permutations.get(0).get(2));

        // test second item of given combination
        assertEquals("A", permutations.get(1).get(0));
        assertEquals("C", permutations.get(1).get(1));
        assertEquals("B", permutations.get(1).get(2));

        // test third item of given combination
        assertEquals("B", permutations.get(2).get(0));
        assertEquals("A", permutations.get(2).get(1));
        assertEquals("C", permutations.get(2).get(2));

        assertEquals("B", permutations.get(3).get(0));
        assertEquals("C", permutations.get(3).get(1));
        assertEquals("A", permutations.get(3).get(2));

        assertEquals("C", permutations.get(4).get(0));
        assertEquals("B", permutations.get(4).get(1));
        assertEquals("A", permutations.get(4).get(2));

        assertEquals("C", permutations.get(5).get(0));
        assertEquals("A", permutations.get(5).get(1));
        assertEquals("B", permutations.get(5).get(2));

        System.out.println("permutations " + permutations);
